Ruger sends heartwarming message to his ex-boss as he launches his own record label


Ruger sends heartwarming message to his ex-boss as he launches his own record label

Singer Ruger has sent out a heartwarming goodbye message to his former record label as he focuses on his new record label.

Taking to Twitter, he expressed his gratitude to singer D Prince of Marvin records for believing in him as a newbie artist and taking him to the height that he’s currently in.

He also revealed that he would not have gotten to where he is currently without their support and their help. He further revealed that while he feels sad that he has to leave, God knows best.

In his words, he says,

“Thank you for believing in me and taking me this far. I would not have gotten here without you. It’s sad that I have to leave, but God knows best. I am taking a big bet on myself this year. I don’t know it all, but I know God will see me through. It is time for Blowboy ENT.”

Blowboy ENT also happens to be his new record label, which he has been publicizing in the past couple of weeks.

Now also recall that 5 days ago, Singer Ruger has sent a note of warning to a particular person, which people had speculated had to be his former record label. He revealed that if he ever hears that this so-called person or people go behind him to do business again or go behind him to take what rightfully belongs to him, that he would give them hell.

This is also coming weeks after he announced that he has started his own label, Blownboy, as rumors emerged that he was no longer with his former record label.