Dana Air plane skids off Lagos airport runway


On Tuesday, a Dana Air plane veered off the Lagos airport runway, leading to the diversion of other flights to the international airport.

In a post by X user, BelemaMhart — who boarded another airline — it was stated that there were no casualties.

“We were about to land in Lagos and the pilot announced, he had to land at international and Taxi to local airport,” BelemaMhart said.

“On getting here, we learnt Dana Air had issues on landing, that was the reason our pilot was asked to land at the international airport.

“Thank God all passengers on Dana are safe.”

Six months before this incident, the aircraft engine of a Dana Air plane reportedly exploded shortly before take-off from Lagos.

However, in a statement by the company, Dana Air denied the explosion, saying its aircraft only experienced “some operational challenges” leading to “non-scheduled maintenance”.

Also, in July 2022, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) suspended Dana Air for multiple regulatory infractions.

The authority said it suspended the operating licences of the company after “discovering that the airline is no longer in a position to meet its financial obligations and to conduct safe flight operations”.

Dana Air resumed flight operations five months after the suspension.