Steeze and Composure Reign Supreme at the 2024 Ojude Oba Festival


The 2024 Ojude Oba Festival, held on June 18th, transformed Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, into a vibrant tapestry of culture, color, and tradition.

This annual celebration, meaning “king’s courtyard” in Yoruba, pays homage to the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Kayode Adetona, while showcasing the rich heritage of the Ijebu people.

The 2024 Ojude Oba festival is making headlines over business professional Farooq Oreagba’s steeze Many Nigerians were curious to know more about him as they drooled over photos and videos of him at the event Some of them praised his appearance, while others wondered if he was married so they could shoot their shot. Watch him below:


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A Feast for the Senses

The festival is a visual feast. Age groups, known as regberegbe, compete for the best attire, dazzling crowds with meticulously crafted buba (shirts), agbada (flowing gowns), and fila (hats). The textiles, often featuring intricate adire patterns or luxurious brocades, are a testament to the skill of Ijebu artisans.

Beyond Fashion: A Celebration of Community

The Ojude Oba Festival is more than just a fashion show. It’s a vibrant display of cultural pride. Horse parades, energetic drumming, and captivating dance performances fill the air with a sense of joyful energy. The event also fosters unity and serves as a homecoming for Ijebu indigenes scattered around the globe.

A Global Stage for Ijebu Culture

The Ojude Oba Festival has gained international recognition in recent years, attracting tourists and dignitaries alike. This year’s event welcomed Vice President Kashim Shettima and Ogun State Governor Dapo Abiodun, further solidifying the festival’s status as a significant cultural and economic driver for the region. Efforts are currently underway to obtain UNESCO recognition for the Ojude Oba Festival, solidifying its place as a treasured piece of Nigerian heritage.

Keywords: Ojude Oba Festival, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, culture, tradition, regberegbe, adire, fashion, celebration, community, UNESCO

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