Which Stew Are You? Team Tomato, Team Carrot, or Team Cucumber?


Ah Ah! We all know the struggle is real. The price of tomatoes these days? Omo! Forget gold, it’s tomato that’s the real bling.

We’ve seen people buying tomatoes online for crazy prices, and just last week at Ebeano supermarket in Lagos, we saw a pack of 3 medium-sized tomatoes going for a whopping N6,950!

So, what’s a Nigerian to do when their beloved tomato stew is becoming a luxury? Well, some folks are getting creative in the kitchen, using substitutes like carrot and cucumber to add colour and flavour to their stews.

Carrot to the Rescue?

Carrot stew is gaining traction. Its natural sweetness adds a different dimension to the classic tomato stew, and it still packs a good amount of vitamins. But is it the real deal?

Cucumber Surprise?

Believe it or not, some Nigerians are blending cucumbers with peppers and onions to create a base for their stew. The flavour is milder, but it adds a refreshing twist and helps thicken the stew.

The Big Tomato Stew Debate: Tomatoes, Carrots, or Cucumbers?

The question remains: are these substitutes here to stay, or is the classic tomato stew irreplaceable? We want to hear from YOU! What are you using in your stews these days? Are you sticking with the OG tomato, or are you open to trying carrots or cucumbers? Let us know in the comments below, and let’s keep this Nigerian kitchen conversation going!