In a tragic turn of events, the renowned Nigerian singer, Onyeka Onwenu, passed away shortly after her captivating performance at the birthday party of Emzor Pharmaceutical boss, Stella Okoli. The celebration, held at a prestigious venue, was filled with high-profile guests who were left in shock and mourning by the unexpected news.
Onyeka Onwenu, often referred to as the “Elegant Stallion,” had delivered a mesmerizing performance, enthralling the audience with her timeless voice and charismatic stage presence. Her rendition of classic hits brought nostalgia and joy to the evening, marking what seemed like a perfect celebration.
However, shortly after stepping off the stage, Onyeka reportedly began feeling unwell. Despite immediate medical attention, she succumbed to what is believed to be a sudden and severe health complication. The exact cause of her death is yet to be confirmed, pending a detailed medical examination.
Watch her last performance below:
Video of late Onyeka Onwenu’s performance yesterday, before her death.
Reddington hospital mrs stella okoli king sunny ade favour ofili— Spartan X 🐊 (@multimeverse) July 31, 2024
Stella Okoli, the celebrated CEO of Emzor Pharmaceutical, and all the attendees were deeply saddened by the incident. Friends, family, and fans have taken to social media to express their grief and pay tribute to the legendary singer whose music has left an indelible mark on the hearts of many.
Onyeka Onwenu’s death marks a significant loss to the Nigerian music industry and the nation as a whole. Her contributions to music, culture, and social causes have been immense, and she will be remembered as an icon of grace, talent, and inspiration.