What are things we learned in school that are now useless?


We all look back on school and wonder about some of the things we learned. The world keeps changing, and sometimes what we studied feels a little outdated.

Let’s explore some things that might not seem as important today as they did back then:

1. Reciting the names of all the state and their capitals

Remember spending hours memorizing the capitals of all 36 states in Nigeria? While it might have impressed your classmates during a geography quiz, how often do you actually need to recall that Abeokuta is the capital of Ogun State in everyday life? These days, with a quick Google search on your phone, you can find any state capital in seconds.

2. Memorising long lists of historical dates

Instead of memorizing every history date, focus on the big events and what they mean. This way, history becomes a story that teaches us, not just a boring list of dates.

3. Learning a language you’ll never use

School might teach French and other languages as part of the curriculum, but if you won’t use them, wouldn’t learning something practical like coding or fixing your car be more helpful?

4. Memorising the Periodic Table

Chemistry classes often required memorizing the Periodic Table, filled with complex symbols. While it helped us learn about the elements, most of us forget these names quickly unless we become scientists. Nowadays, we can easily look up this information online, making memorization unnecessary.

So, does this mean school was a waste of time? Definitely not!

School might seem like memorizing facts we don’t use. But it’s actually about learning to think for ourselves, solve problems, and talk well. We make friends, explore new things, and get ready for what’s next. The things we learned might not be everyday stuff, but they helped us grow. The best part? We never stop learning!