Everyone has a story (or several) about their secondary school days—whether it’s enduring long, boring lectures, forming lifelong friendships, or navigating teenage romance.
If you attended a boarding school like I did, you probably have tales of sneaking out on weekends for parties with your friends. While those memories bring nostalgia, there’s one part of school life we’d all rather forget—the punishments!
Today’s article takes you down memory lane with some of the most popular punishments we endured in secondary school. Let’s see how many you can relate to!
1. Caning
Does this remind you of a specific teacher? Every school had that one teacher who wielded a cane with expertise. Some were so skilled (or feared) that even other teachers sent students to them for discipline.
2. Standing on One Foot
A punishment that tested both endurance and balance. Some teachers even took it up a notch by making students stand on a desk while balancing on one foot!
3. Continuous Writing
It may sound easy, but writing, “I will not disturb my class again” across a 60-page notebook was pure torture. Your fingers would go numb before you even reached the halfway mark!
4. Kneeling and Facing the Wall
This punishment was a favorite among teachers who rarely flogged students. If you were a troublemaker, you likely spent plenty of time in this position—sometimes even dozing off in the process!
5. Picking a Pin
A punishment so awkward that many schools have reportedly banned it. Back then, it was a common sight to see students crouched down, pretending to pick something invisible for minutes on end.
6. Carrying a Stone
Reserved for the ‘stubborn’ students who were unfazed by flogging. Some teachers would even upgrade this punishment by replacing the stone with a desk!
7. Frog Jump
Nothing quite compared to the pain of hopping in a squatted position with your fingers clutching your ears. If you ever got this punishment, you probably woke up the next day with sore muscles!
8. Picking Dirt
A classic group punishment for latecomers and noisemakers. Students were forced to clean the school premises, often collecting trash with their bare hands.
9. Grass Clearance
Every boy who attended a school with a big playing field knows this punishment all too well. Bringing cutlasses and brooms for “continuous assessment” often meant clearing a field rather than using them for schoolwork!
10. Bail (a.k.a. Paying Your Way Out)
Corruption wasn’t just for politicians! Some teachers took things a step further by demanding money or lunch from students in exchange for forgiveness.
Did any of these punishments bring back memories? Which one did you experience the most? Share your stories in the comments!