Rebecca, the mother of Liya Sharibu, the only Dapchi schoolgirl still being held by Boko Haram because she refused to denounce her christian faith – has revealed that she’s still hopeful that her daughter will return home. She revealed this in a recent interview conducted by Emmanuel Ogebe….Liya’s father, Nathan Sharibu was also pictured during the interview.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What is your name?
Mother: My name is Rebecca Sharibu.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What is Leah’s date of birth?
Mother: Leah’s date of birth is 2003.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What does Leah like?
Mother: Leah likes to help me doing the house chores. When she’s around I do nothing.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What do you like the most about your daughter?
Mother: I like Leah’s attitude of helping me. Leah always wants to do work even before you talk to her, so actually before I wake up from the bed Leah will wash the flats and sweep off the environment.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: Where did Leah get this kind of faith?
Mother: It is from us because we teach her.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What church do you attend?
Mother: Evangelical church winning all (Ecwa) Dapchi.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: How do you feel about Leah’s courage?
Mother: I am happy because Leah is doing the right thing. Even if they shoot Leah there, we believe that she will be with Christ Jesus.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What does Leah want to become in the future?
Mother: Leah wants to be a scientist. She always wants to read science.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: Did you know that Leah is famous and people all over Nigeria are praying for her?
Mother: Yes, I know.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What message do you have for your daughter?
Mother: That God may continue to keep her in good health and bring her back safely.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What’s your message to the terrorists?
Mother: I said that even if we are told today that they’ve shot Leah, I thank God that Leah is still Christian, and that one day I will see her again.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What message to those praying for Leah?
Mother: May God accept and answer all their prayers.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: Are your other children still going to school? Mother: Yes Leah’s brother is in SS1. We only have 2 children, Leah and her brother.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: What did they say was the reason that Leah did not return?
Mother: Because Leah is a Christian and she did not renounce Christ in order to become a Muslim, that is why.
#IAMLEAH Interviewer: How old are you, Rebecca?
Mother: I am 40 years old.