4 Things To Tell Your Man To Keep Relationship Strong


When it comes to relationships, the words you say have a powerful effect on how you feel and how happy you and your partner are together.

What are the things to tell your man that can help make your relationship better? Consider these phrases.

1. “I want…”

Many women assume their partners should automatically know what they need if he is really in love. But no matter how deeply you love someone, you cannot read their mind. So instead of wallowing in how your needs aren’t being met, it’s time you use your words to ask for what you want.

5 Powerful Phrases Happy Couples Use To Keep The Relationship Alive Zumi.ng

(Photo: Pinterest)

2. “Thank you.”

In a long-term relationship, it’s easy to forget to show appreciation. “Thank you” is one of the things to tell your man. Even though in your opinion, what he did was expected, it doesn’t mean you forget to recognize it. These are simple, yet powerful words that will show him you see his effort and you consider him worthy.

3. “I feel hurt when you…”

Again, this comes back to automatically assuming your man should know how you feel. Sure, there are universal things he can say or do that’s hurtful. But as individuals, we may react to things in a way other’s don’t. So if something specific he does makes you angry, hurt or sad, then tell him.

4. “I love you…”

Whether you’ve been together for two years or twenty, you must make it a habit to remind each other of your love. This is probably one of the most important things to tell your man to make him feel seen, loved, wanted and cherished.

5 Powerful Phrases Happy Couples Use To Keep The Relationship Alive Zumi.ng

(Photo: Bellanaija)

Speaking of using the right words, here are the important questions to ask a guy when dating.

What are the other things to tell your man? Comment down below and don’t forget to share this article with your friends.

Source: Lifestyle.NG