This Is How To Preserve Cooked Food If You Don’t Have A Freezer


Moving out of your parents’ house and living on your own comes with its own challenges. Before you buy a freezer you have to learn how to preserve cooked food and then when you buy a freezer you still have to figure out how to cook enough to last you a week or two to save gas money. We’ll start with preserving.

Here’s how to preserve cooked food if you don’t have a freezer

Take out the spoon right after cooking

Leaving spoons especially metal spoons can cause .s and make it get spoilt faster than usual. So take out the spoon right after cooking.

how to preserve cooked food

(Photo: Medical News Today)

Warm it every morning until it’s finished

Leaving soups and cooked meals to warm only when you want to eat can make it difficult to preserve. Warm your cooked meals first thing in the morning when you wake up to reheat the meal, kill any microbes and keep it fresher for longer.

Keep it in the coolest part of your room

Avoid putting your pot in hot environments, keep them in the coolest part of the room to reduce the growth of moulds. This is why foods get spoilt faster in hot weather.

how to preserve cooked food

(Photo: All Recipes)

Don’t cook for more than two or three days at a time

Don’t cook meals for a long time if you don’t have a refrigerator. Cook enough to serve you for just a few days at a time and eat it up as soon as possible.

Don’t cover up your pot completely

Whenever you’re preserving food without a refrigerator, avoid covering your pot completely. Leaving the cover on the side and the pot open just a little can prevent moulds from growing in the food.

So now that we’ve established that, you now have other options for when you don’t have a  refrigerator. Check out these relatable moments for women who hate cooking.

Source: Lifestyle.NG