Nicole crafted her post like a conversation between herself and God. After asking Him how she should go about finding the ‘one’, she then clearly made of the list of the things she was looking for in a guy. Her list included such traits as loving, warm, good-looking, ability and desire to provide, spiritually strong, affectionate, etc.
The next part of Nicole’s post centers around the question God asked her, “If he enters the room RIGHT now. Are you perfect for him?” This is one question most women don’t ask themselves. When it comes to getting your dream guy, you have to think about whether or not he will consider you his dream woman as well.
Nicole then revealed that she proceeded to make the required changes to show that she was really ready to meet the man of her dreams. She read more, sought a therapist’s help to examine her issues, became more spiritually-inclined as well and even started working on her business idea. She took care of herself, both mentally and physically. At this point, Nicole revealed, she had become so happy and confident that she was not even as obsessed with meeting the perfect man.
But Boris came into her life and the rest, as they say, is history.
The truth is, getting your dream guy is much more than just writing a list and folding your arms, waiting for him to come along. You have to work on yourself to ensure you’re ready for him, and you’re also in a good mindset to build a strong relationship.
Source: Lifestyle.NG