He Doesn’t Keep In Touch Anymore. Do I Move On?


Dear Jay,
Hello! Great job you guys are doing. So I met my dream man literally speaking a couple of months back on an Islamic dating site. It was a pure joy both ways as we both matched each other’s expectations well. He’s everything a woman would want in a man and more.

He has a very busy schedule but that has never stopped him from keeping in touch with me. He took a trip abroad a couple of weeks back and ever since he came back from that trip, I’ve noticed a huge change in him. He doesn’t keep in touch anymore.

He wouldn’t text me for days and when he would finally reply, it will be so brief. Now it has been exactly a week today since I heard from him and I see that he comes online….but he ignores me.

I’m so confused and scared. One part tells me to ditch him and move on with my life but the other part tells me to be patient and seek advice. What do I do, please?


he doesn't keep in touch

(Photo: Bustle)

Dear Halima
It can be hard to let go especially when you have so much hope for a relationship. But in this case, this sounds like your only choice.

For some reason, men find it difficult to end relationships but they are experts at ghosting. This will either annoy you enough to dump them or as time goes on, you both drift apart. Looks like that’s what he’s doing now that he doesn’t keep in touch.

No matter how busy he is, a man in love and one who wants a future will always find a way to communicate with you. This is the basic form of respect and it sounds like this guy could not care less.

he doesn't keep in touch

(Photo: ABC)

You deserve someone who sees you as his world and a man who cannot go a day without talking to you because your connection is that strong. Cut your losses and be glad he’s showing you who he is a couple of months into the relationship instead of after many years.

Good luck.


What do you think she should do in this situation? Should she keep pushing or let go? Also, check out Jay’s advice to a woman whose boyfriend steals from her.

Do you have a burning relationship question you need answers to? Send us an email at [email protected]

Source: Lifestyle.NG