A hotel owner Dennis Hof died on Tuesday hours after having sex with one of his own prostitutes. Dennis Hof was lying on his back on the right side of his bed and completely naked when he was found by his best friend Ron Jeremy, a Love Ranch insider tells DailyMail.com.
Hof’s mouth was open with a slight smile on his face, his eyes were half closed. His right arm was by his side with his hand palm up next to his side.
His left hand was raised approximately nine inches off the ground, suspended in mid-air. Rigor mortis had set in.
According to the insider, the last person to see Hof alive was a lady who worked in the brothel – not a prostitute – who brought him two popicles and a bottle of water to his bedroom at his request. That was at approximate 1 a.m. on Tuesday.
DailyMail.com has also learned that the Las Vegas brothel has now been shut down.
Dennis’ name was the only one on the brothel license, so late yesterday the Nye County Sheriff ordered it to return the ‘sheriff cards’ of all of the working girls. The license can be transferred but it will take some time.
The Sheriff’s department has confiscated the security recording system at the brothel. There a few cameras in the public area, bar, etc. that record.
As DailyMail.com revealed, Hof had had sex with one of his own prostitutes not long before he died.
In an exclusive interview, porn actor Ron Jeremy revealed how he discovered the 72-year-old’s lifeless body on Tuesday at the Love Ranch South in Crystal, Nevada.
Hours earlier Hof had been celebrating his birthday at a campaign event in the Nugget Hotel in Parhump, Nevada as he prepared to compete in the general election for a seat in the House of Representatives.
Joining him at the event were his girlfriend Heidi Fleiss and former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Jeremy told DailyMail.com: ‘Dennis was in great spirits and told me it was the best night of his life.
‘We headed back to the Love Ranch South and got there about 11pm. At about midnight, Dennis went back to his private suite with Dasha Dare, she is a relatively new girl to the ranch. It’s the same suite that Lamar Odom overdosed in.
‘Dasha spent two hours with Dennis before leaving him and joining me at the bar with a few other women. Dasha said they had sex and nothing had been wrong with Dennis.
‘I left the girls and went to bed at around 230am. I got up around 1030am and I was expecting to see Dennis. He is an early riser and we had an event to go to on the campaign that morning. ‘I figured he’d overslept because of the birthday party. I went into his room and he was lying his bed. I shook him by the shoulders, but there was no movement and I thought he was in a deep sleep.

Love Ranch prostitute Dasha Dare (pictured) had sex with Dennis Hof just hours before he died.
‘I’ve played a joke on him in the past where I throw off his sheets to wake him up. He was naked and still wasn’t moving. I then went back to the bar and asked the girls for help to wake him up.
‘I realized something was seriously wrong when we returned. His skin was cold and rigamortis had already begun in his arm.
‘Some of the girls there had CPR training. They called 911 and the operator was telling them to resuscitate him. Dasha was freaking out and praying. One of the house moms had to remove her from the area.’
Nye County Sheriff’s Office is on the scene and investigating Hof’s death.