This Is How To Handle Rejection From A Guy You LikeZUMI


It’s really hard to summon up the courage to tell a guy that you like him. Having him reject your advances can be disappointing and really mess with your esteem. So knowing how to handle rejection from a guy you like without things getting awkward is very important. You have to make sure you come off seeming unaffected and still as amazing as ever.

Here’s how to handle rejection from a guy you like

Acknowledge the hurt

Emphasis is to be placed on acknowledge, so do not wallow in self-pity. No man is worth that, especially if he doesn’t want you. So just realise that you’re hurt and feel the pain, cry if you have to but only for a short while. Give it a few hours and then get up and dust it off.

handle rejection

(Photo: Alarape Aderemi)

Get the lessons

Go over it in your head for a bit, just to understand why and what you might have done wrong. Were you getting too clingy or were you not giving enough attention. Sometimes, you did absolutely nothing wrong, so leave room for that possibility too. Learn from your actions and move on.

Get busy

Don’t just sit and feel bad about what went wrong when and all that, get up and get on with your life. Actively do things that make you happy, have fun and meet new people. Keeping your life full of meaningful activities will help you forget about him in no time.

Don’t get awkward

Okay, this is very important. The next time you see a guy who rejected you, you’ll be tempted to hide or avoid him, don’t! Say hi with a friendly beautiful smile on your face, do a casual catch up and move on. If he brings it up and tries to apologise, brush it off as not a big deal and move on.

handle rejection

(Photo: Joromi Music Video)

Don’t let it hold you down

Rejection only has as much power over you as you give it. People are different and like different things, so it has nothing to do with you. Don’t let rejection from someone you like define who you are or how you see yourself. Move on to the next thing and keep enjoying your life.

Have you ever made a move and gotten rejected? Let us know how you handled it in the comment section. In the meantime, here’s how to shoot your shot without shooting your shot.

Source: Lifestyle.NG