Female Musician Under Fire After Mourning Ethiopian Airlines Crash Victims With Nude Photo


While the world is mourning the victims to the Ethiopian Airlines crash which killed 157 people yesterday, a controversial Zimbabwean musician, Vimbai Zimuto, has been heavily criticized on social media after she posted a nude picture to pay respect to the victims of the tragic plane crash.

The Netherlands based musician has attracted a lot of public attention for posting a series of nude images of herself on social media which have also attracted criticism.

Online users have reacted to her trending nude picture.

Facebook user Tino Mambeu wrote; “How do you mourn them in nudes. I think you have lost respect of the dead”.

Bawsslady Chichie said; “You couldn’t be famous while dressed, your nakedness wont make any difference these men watch HD Porn sweetheart”.

Tino Shantell wrote; “Your body your rules but this is inappropriate and insensitive to those who lost their friends and relatives. You’re free to be naked as a way of getting fans but using people’s death for attention hmmm way overboard. You wouldn’t have done this if you’d lost your friend/ relative.”