Chinese Are To Blame For Coronavirus And Should Be Made To Pay For It – Ex Apprentice Star


Luisa Zissman launched into an angry rant on Instagram on Wednesday, accusing China and their ‘filthy’ markets of spreading coronavirus after ‘reading a lot online.’

The ex Apprentice star told her 553k followers that she was ‘f**king angry at the Chinese’ for spreading the disease via their ‘inhumane animal practices’, which has at time of publication led to 9,249 deaths globally.

Posting a series of videos during her holiday in Barbados, Luisa even suggested the Chinese government should cover the costs of people’s lost incomes around the world.

‘I’m really f**king angry at the Chinese. I’ve been reading online, everything f**king generates from them and their filthy wet markets with their inhumane animal practices. What the f**k they do there is frankly disgusting,’ she said.

‘SARS, MERS, corona all originated in China,’ she continued. ‘They said they’re cracking down on their disgraceful, illegal wildlife trade.’

Luisa insisted in a caption for the video that ‘this is not a racist viewpoint I don’t have a problem with Chinese people at all obvs. But these wet markets are horrific and the cause of multiple global pandemics.’

She continued that while ‘the immediate issue is keeping people alive and safe and well after all this is over I feel like the Chinese government should be made to pay.’

She told her followers that ‘this will not be a popular view point but I don’t care. I’ve read so much online about the origin of SARS, MERS and now COVID-19 all from bats, all being transferred to humans in wet markers’.

‘Why has this happened multiple times?! it’s a disgrace’.

The World Health Organisation states that ‘possible animal sources of COVID-19 have not yet been confirmed’.

News reports say that scientists are still unsure where the virus originated, and will only be able to prove its source if they isolate a live virus in a suspected species.

The first human cases were publicly reported from the Chinese city of Wuhan.

The first cases of COVID-19 came from people visiting or working in a live animal market in Wuhan, which has since been closed down for investigation.