Clems Onyeka, whose life was brutally cut short during a cross fire between armed robbers and policemen on October 14, while driving to a movie location with a colleague, Zubechi Onyia, in Asaba, the Delta State capital, tributes have been pouring in for the actor who is survived by a wife and three kids.
Onyeka, who recently won the Best Upcoming Actor award had few weeks ago requested for an interview to celebrate his success. He reportedly joked with the newspaper entertainment editor saying, “When will you write something about me, is it when I am dead?”
When contacted on phone, Zubechi, who narrowly escaped death and who is currently recuperating at an undisclosed hospital in the state capital said: “I am sad that Clem died when he should be celebrated as the best up-and-coming actor this year. It was painful watching Clem die! I am still in shock. I pray God gives his wife and kids the fortitude to bear this loss. Nollywood will miss you. Clem; goodbye.”
See what became of Onyeka after he was shot
He died on the spot. His remains have been deposited in a mortuary.