Photos: TV Presenter Intentionally exposes privates to Serbian prime minister

Ready for the show? A producer helps the Prime Minister with his microphone before the interview gets under wayHot topic: The glamorous presenter listens attentively after asking the Prime Minister some questions about Balkan politics
Censored: A close-up shot reveals the presenter's wardrobe indiscretion but fortunately her lack of modesty is censored for the viewers Not amused: The Prime Minister stumbles over his words but cannot avoid a cheeky smile

An X-rated TV prank has left the prime minister of Serbia feeling a little overexposed after he was flashed by a glamorous presenter during an interview.The country’s Socialist party leader Ivica Dačić was midway through a discussion, when the young woman, wearing a mini dress, uncrossed her legs to reveal she wasn’t wearing any underwear.

The YouTube video, a clear copy of the famous scene starring Sharon Stone in the 1992 film Basic Instinct, has already had more than 1.2million hits.