Newborns are often seen as tiny bundles of joy, but there’s so much more to them than their adorable looks! While most people know that babies cry, sleep a lot, and need frequent feeding, there are some surprising and little-known facts about newborns that will leave you amazed.
1. Newborns Cry Without Tears
Did you know that newborns don’t shed actual tears when they cry? Their tear ducts are fully developed at birth but only produce enough moisture to keep their eyes lubricated. Real tears usually start appearing when a baby is between two to three weeks old, but for some, it can take up to two months.
2. They Have More Bones Than Adults
At birth, a newborn has around 300 bones, while an adult has only 206. This is because some bones, like those in the skull, are still soft and separate to help during delivery. As they grow, some of these bones fuse together, reducing the total number.
3. Newborns Recognize Their Mother’s Voice Instantly
From the moment they are born, babies can recognize their mother’s voice. Since they’ve been listening to it in the womb for months, studies show that newborns prefer their mother’s voice over anyone else’s. In fact, they can even recognize familiar songs and sounds they heard during pregnancy!
4. Their Sense of Smell Is Extremely Strong
While a newborn’s eyesight is still developing, their sense of smell is incredibly sharp. Within days, they can identify their mother’s scent and prefer it over any other smell. This natural ability helps them bond with their primary caregiver and feel secure.
5. They Have a Natural Swimming Reflex
Another fascinating fact about newborns is their instinctive swimming reflex. If placed in water, they will automatically move their arms and legs in a swimming motion and even hold their breath! However, this reflex usually disappears around six months of age.
6. Newborns Can Taste Everything—Except Salt!
Babies are born with highly sensitive taste buds and can detect sweet, bitter, and sour flavors. However, they cannot taste salt until they are around four to five months old. Researchers believe this is because their kidneys are still developing and don’t process sodium the way adults do.
7. They Sleep a Lot—But in Short Cycles
Newborns sleep for about 16 to 18 hours a day, but their sleep cycles are short, usually lasting 2 to 4 hours at a time. Since their tiny stomachs cannot hold much milk, they wake up frequently to feed. Over time, their sleep patterns become more structured.
Newborns are truly fascinating, with so many incredible abilities right from birth. If you found these facts interesting, share them with fellow parents and caregivers!