Iggy Azalea delivered a powerful and very racy performance at the iHeartRadio Music Awards on Sunday in Los Angeles. The 25-year-old wowed in a blue and black bikini-cut crop top, which she paired with light wash denim bottoms. Watch the performance after the break
The singer, who added white sneakers and chunky jewelry, closed the awards show at The Forum singing her latest single ‘Team.’ Iggy showed off her cleavage in the triangle cut crop top, pairing it with baggy jeans featuring cut out detailing near her thighs.
The rapper layered several gold necklaces as well as bracelets on her wrist for a sparkling touch to her casual look. She wore her long blonde locks loose, opting for a center part and curled tresses.
For her energetic performance, the beauty wore matte pink lipstick, smokey eye makeup, kohl lined lids and a touch of blush on her cheeks.