Photo/Video:Half-Unclad Man Caught On Camera Exercising In Broad Daylight


The almost unclad man decided to entertain bored morning rush hour motorists by exercising in his underwear on the road.The man, dressed only in tight black underpants and a black item around his neck, could be seen doing stretches on a grass verge at Wisley Services just before the M25 this morning.Sean Ridley managed to capture the funny scenes while he was stuck in traffic on the northbound stretch just before 8am, according to Get Surrey .
Mr Ridley said: “While police were dealing with an accident, some bloke rushed out of Starbucks with no clothes on and just started doing stretches. He was in a tie and pants.A couple of lads then came out all wearing Blues Brothers get-up, so I have a feeling it might be a dare,It was shocking but also very amusing, everybody was laughing their heads off, it made everyone’s day.”

Motorists were stuck in lengthy queues from Burntcommon to the M25 after a two-car collision closed two lanes.
“We were all shocked but the whole thing was just too funny and we were looking at each other in our cars and laughing,” Mr Ridley added.If he happens to see [the footage], then maybe it will be something he can remember.As we started moving he disappeared back into Starbucks,” he said. “It’s almost like he thought, ‘Everyone out there is upset, I’m going to go out and make their day’.”
Watch the video below: