Kim Kardashian Does Not Deserve To Be Robbed Just Because She Annoys You


People wishing Kim Kardashian had been shot, raped or killed in armed robbery need to get a grip

Attention-seeking whore deserves everything she gets. Should have pulled the trigger. Bet the useless bitch is loving all the attention. Should have raped her too.’ These are a handful of the comments posted in reaction to the news that Kim Kardashian had been robbed at gunpoint while alone at night in a Parisian apartment.

A gang of five men dressed as police forced their way into her bedroom, held a gun to her head, tied her up, handcuffed and gagged her and locked her in the bathroom while they ransacked her room.

Fortunately, she was not physically hurt. However, in the wake of the violent crime, Kim received hundreds of thousands of abusive tweets wishing she had been – and wishing too that she had been shot dead or raped.

They called her a whore and a bitch, accused her of making the story up for attention or to make an insurance claim. They suggested she was cheating on Kanye and that it was her ‘hook-up’ who had robbed her. Many took the opportunity to make sexual remarks about her body.

Here’s a newsflash: Kim Kardashian is a polarising celebrity with 48 million followers on Twitter and as many detractors as she has fans. You may not like the way she lives her life, you may not like her tweets, her family, her husband.

But she does not deserve to be raped, shot dead or attacked by armed intruders.

Not because she’s famous, not because she takes too many selfies, not because she is richer than you.

As the victim of a violent crime, what she really needs is support, not more abuse that could make her feel yet more unsafe.

As most people who have been robbed at gunpoint will agree, it is not the loss of the material goods – the gang took jewellery and personal items, including two smart phones, up to the value of around £8million – that causes the most lasting damage.

It is the emotional distress that stays with a victim long after the stolen property has been replaced and the loss of sentimental items mourned. The very real fear they might have lost their life.

Kim may have escaped without physical harm, but the memory of the gang of men bursting brutally into the apartment, threatening her with death while she begged for her life, tying her up, taping her mouth… that will stay with her forever.