has launched its first online competition open to the public titled House Hunting Naija Style. The competition is to encourage people to share their house hunting experience online with the aim to help existing and future house hunters in Nigeria.
To make this competition even more exciting, Nigeria Property Centre is giving away ₦50,000 worth of prizes and air time to their favourite stories and the first 10 stories published by bloggers on their individual website. To join in the competition you can:
· Write a blog post and publish it on your personal blog
· Drop a comment on any participating blogs including our blogpost
· Feel free to share using the social hashtag #househuntingnaija
· All entries need to be sent to by the 30th of April 2014. is looking to increase the awareness of the real estate industry and to encourage people to find the property of their dreams online and assist in their house hunting experience so be sure to join in and give you honest thoughts and stories!
For more information about the competition go to our website – House Hunting Naija style pageand be sure to also read our competition terms and conditions.
For questions and further inquiries please contact our team at