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Maurice Tillet Became a Model for Shrek Character (14 pics)
Maurice Tillet Became a Model for Shrek Character (14 pics)

Shrek was actually modeled after a real person, a professional wrestler named Maurice Tillet. He was born in France and was very intelligent and spoke 14 languages. In his twenties, he developed acromegaly, a rare disease that causes bones to grow wildly and uncontrollably. Soon his whole body was disfigured as a result.

He left  France, became a professional wrestler in the United States, and won American Wrestling Association World title. Tillet was dubbed as the “freak ogre of the ring.”There are rumors that the Shrek character was inspired by Tillet’s look. Who knows but he really does have a lot in common with the character. 

Continue to see more photos of him.

Maurice Tillet Became a Model for Shrek Character (14 pics)
Maurice Tillet Became a Model for Shrek Character (14 pics)
What a strange looking guy