Meet Titilayo, the American who speaks Yoruba fluently

 Cara ‘Titilayo’ Harshman
 Titilayo speaks with the market women at Ojee, the major fruits and vegetables market in Ibadan in the video above.

Titilayo, is an  American who lived in Ibadan  for a year while studying Yoruba. She had studied yoruba for three years at University of Wisconsin Madison. When I watched this video I was amazed. I can’t even speak yoruba having stayed in lagos for 5 years after I moved from Warri, Delta State.

Titilayo said she chose Yoruba because it is multifaceted. The African Cultural Expedition really got my attention. She decided to forgo the intro psychology, political science and literature courses to take a Yoruba language class and a Yoruba culture class, knowing she would do something with the skills in the future.

She says she hopes to live in Africa as a reporter, writing articles and creating multimedia for an international news organization somewhere. For more of her adventures, read her blog: