Horrific: Six men summarily shot dead and dragged through the streets for being ‘Israeli spies

Paraded: Palestinian gunmen ride motorcycles as they drag the body of a man, who was suspected of working for IsraelNo respect for the dead: The killed 'spy' is dragged through the streets of Gaza City

Killed: Palestinian gunmen shot dead six alleged collaborators in the Gaza Strip who 'were caught red-handed', according to a security source quoted by the Hamas Aqsa radioDragged through the dirt: One of the killed six lays on the floor as shocked bystanders watch on
Six men accused of being ‘Israeli spies’ were dragged through the streets of Gaza City and executed in front of a chanting mob today as Israel warned Palestinians to evacuate some areas of the territory in apparent preparation for a ground invasion.

Witnesses said the six were taken to an intersection in the north of the city where they were summarily shot for providing intelligence that helped Israel pinpoint key figures in Hamas and the Islamic Jihad targeted by their warplanes.
