The question ‘Does my bum look big in this?’ used to set fear into the heart of many women, but in today’s society, a bigger bottom is celebrated – thanks to the rise in a rounder derriere amongst the A-list. From Kim Kardashian’s juicy booty to Amber Rose’s rounder rump – they’re all pin-up worthy, and you don’t need to be a former lover of Kanye West to jump on the band wagon. But the celebrity with the greatest bottom – in terms of their esteemed hip to waist ratio – is Rapper Ice T’s wife, Coco Austin, with a whopping 17 inch difference between her reported 40 inch hips and her waist – a minuscule 23 inches. Based on the relative size of their plush derriere’s to their slinky waists, read a compilation of the top 13 most impressive rear-ends in Hollywood … after the break

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