‘I Don’t Think He Wanted To Kill My Son But He Wanted To Kill Someone’ – Michael Brown’s Dad Speaks


Michael Brown’s parents reacted in anger to Officer Darren Wilson’s first interview on Wednesday, saying: ‘I don’t think he wanted to kill my son but he wanted kill someone.’

The teenager’s parents, Michael Brown Sr and Lesley McSpadden, spoke to CBS alongside their lawyer Benjamin Crump a day after Wilson said he was only doing his job on the day he killed the unarmed teen and that now, he wanted to get on with a ‘normal life’.

Ms McSpadden said: ‘He [Wilson] says that his conscience is clear. How can your conscience be clear after killing somebody even after it was accidental death?’

The grieving mother broke down when she said that she couldn’t even donate Michael’s organs following his death.   Officer Wilson has maintained that he made the right choice to use lethal force in the fight in broad daylight on August 9 – and would do it all over again because Brown went for his gun and he feared he would be killed.  However Ms McSpadden said on Wednesday: ‘I don’t believe a word of it. I know my son too well, he wouldn’t provoke anyone like that.’

She also denounced the violence on the streets of Ferguson following the grand jury announcement  on Monday that Wilson would not be indicted for Brown’s death.

‘We continue to ask for calm and protest with them in a peaceful manner,’ Ms McSpadden said.’We can’t be held accountable for others’ actions.’
