‘When I Look In The mirror, My Scars No Longer Upset Me’: TV Presenter, Katie Piper


Screen Shot 2015-01-13 at 11.27.07 AMKatie Piper has revealed just how far she’s come since the vicious acid attack that left her permanently scarred back in 2008. The inspirational 31-year-old took to her Instagram account on Monday afternoon to share with her loyal army of followers how she really feels about the disfigurements the horrific incident left her with.

‘When I look in the mirror, my scars no longer upset me,’ she honestly admitted. ‘They just remind me I am stronger than the person who tried to hurt me.We all have scars whether they are on the skin or the soul. Remember only those who survive wear scars.Next time you look in the mirror repeat to yourself I’m proud to be a survivor.’

Katie was just 24 when her ex-boyfriend Danny Lynch organised for a man to throw industrial-strength sulphuric acid in her face.At the time, her modelling career was taking off and she had recently been crowned Miss Winchester in a beauty pageant.The TV star is currently hosting Bodyshockers on Channel 4, which sees her travelling across the country, meeting people who are struggling with body disfigurements of their own.