Photos: US Mother Who Breastfeeds Her Son & A Friend’s Child Sparks Furious Debate


'Milk siblings': Mrs Colletti posted the photo to celebrate the conclusion of National Breastfeeding Week 

A mother has sparked debate after posting a picture on social media showing her wet nursing a friend’s son. Jessica Anne Colletti, shared the photo – which shows her feeding both her own 16-month-old son, and her friend’s 18-month-old son – on a pro-breastfeeding page.

The picture of Mrs Colletti, 26, and the two boys, who she dubs ‘milk siblings’, has divided users on Facebook. Mrs Colletti has been breastfeeding her friend’s son since he was just five months, after he struggled with formula, and says her friend was very much ‘on board’ with the idea. 

‘She was breastfeeding but didn’t have time to pump – I was already breasfeeding my son and it just made sense to nourish him in the same way,’ Mrs Colletti told Daily Mail Australia. He was having issues with the formula his previous sitter had given him and his issues resolved when formula was no longer necessary.

‘My friend and her son live with me and my husband. She knows everything about me and trusts me with the care of her child,’ Mrs Colletti said.She knows I want nothing but the best four our boys, which is why she supports me breastfeeding our babies.’ The post, which has since been liked more than 500 times, received a mix of positive and less supportive responses from users.

Would you allow someone breastfeed your child?