Woman Pranks Ex Boyfriend With Adele’s ‘Hello Lyrics’


Woman pranks her ex with the lyrics to Adele's Hello and posts the exchange on Twitter

Mary Caldarella, from Atlanta, US, sends her ex Matt messages using new Adele song ‘Hello’ (inset). But he doesn’t realise and thinks she drunkenly wants to get back together. She posted the messages on Twitter which have now been retweeted 14,000 times and favourited more than 20,000 times. Mary posted the conversation on Twitter with the caption: ‘When the ex falls for Adele lyrics.’

Mary sent lyrics to her ex-boyfriend Matt in an exchange which has been retweeted over 12,000 timesThe romantic lyrics leave him bemused when she asks if he'd like to meet up using the song, he replied 'last time I asked if we could go on a date... you told me to go f*** myself'

Unsuspecting Matt replied: ‘Hey you.’ And he gets bemused quickly, he wrote: ‘I think you have the wrong Matt.’ But soon he’s drawn in when she wrote: ‘I’m sorry for breaking your heart.

Hello is the first single released by Adele in three years.