How To Maintain Your Skin During The Harmattan Season


Beautysets - Harmattan Beauty Must-Haves

During harmattan season which usually lasts from November up until March in some cases. The air is extremely dry and dusty so we need extra beauty measures to combat the possible effects of the weather. Here are some products that I love and recommend you have in your Harmattan armour.

To make sure you are covered this season here are a few tips you can follow


The cheapest way to keep your skin looking supple is, with Shea butter “ORI”. It is the cheapest yet very effective body oil for dry skin; however, if you are light skinned it might darken you, especially if you use toners, but if you are dark skinned you have nothing to worry about. For a light skinned or dark skinned person you can enter shops that are into body lotions and all, buy moisturisers or lotions that contain any of these; Shea butter, Coconut oil or butter or Olive oil.An important thing a dry skinned person should imbibe to keep their skin supple is to buy baby oil or Olive oil, Olive oil is very good for the skin regardless whether dry or not. It contains antioxidants. After buying the baby oil or olive oil apply everyday immediately after washing or having a bath before towelling or drying yourself.

SHOWER GEL/CREAM : Forget exfoliating soaps and scrubs,the dry flaky skin you see is signs of dead skin cells already shedding,the best way to start your skin routine every moring this season is to use a shower gel , they are good moisturizers that will not leave your skin dry after you’ve showered . Dove has a variety of them and very affordable too.

MOISTURIZERS : This is most essential ,if you’ve been using an average regular moisturiser now is the time to step it up. Look for one with natural oils like coconut oil , jojoba oil e.t.c. or you could whip up some natural Shea butter at home add some natural oils and essential oils and you’ve got your own body cream.

VITAMIN C : Best for everything, good for the skin ,nails and hair. One should have at least 70mg to 100mg everyday.

What other tips do you have for surviving the dry weather? Please share if you care :-)