Former President, Goodluck Jonathan, Parleys With Nigerians In Newark, United States


The former president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan, visited Newark to celebrate African culture and democracy. The ex-President took to the podium at Newark’s City Hall Municipal Council Chamber to praise African countries who’ve taken up a more democratic approach.

“One man, one vote, one woman, one vote, one youth, one vote. I also advocate and I’m also known for preaching that my political ambition is not worth the blood of any Nigerian,” said Jonathan.

Newark Municipal Council President Mildred Crump presented Goodluck with a very special gift.

“One of the things that I love to give to people, and because I know his house, you have a lovely coffee table, I am pleased and honored to present to you the book called Newark by John Cunningham.”

Essex County College presented the former Nigerian president with a gift from one of its students.

“I’m a Nigerian, so that was like a highlight of my day for me. It’s also great to be an international student and also be able to give a gift to the president of my country on behalf of the school that has accepted me to the United States.”

Goodluck Jonathan lost his 2015 bid for re-election but was happy to see it come through a democratic process.