Woman Left With Massive Hole In Her Nose After Using Herbal Treatment For The Cure Of Cancer


A woman has revealed her horrific wounds after being left with a gaping hole in her nose when she left a herbal treatment she thought would cure her skin cancer. The patient rubbed black salve – an ointment which burns skin tissue – onto her face and forehead after opting to ‘go the natural route’. But the treatment backfired disastrously within just a few days when green scabs appeared as the salve ate away at her skin.

The damage became even more severe after the continued destruction of skin tissue left a gaping crater in her nose. The hole became so bad she was able to draw air through it. The woman shared her story through a video on the World’s Greatest Medical YouTube channel which has now been viewed by more than three-and-a-half million people.

Black salve was more commonly used in the early 1900s on moles and scars. The U.S.Food and Drug Administration has listed it as a ‘fake cancer treatment’ and is currently trying to ban it. Describing her ordeal she said the alternative treatment had left her ‘sickened and freaked out’.