Check Out These Adorable Identical Quadruplets!


Identical quadruplets star in sweet photo shoot as woodland creatures

Bethani and Tim Webb, 22 and 23, of Alberta, Canada, were married for about three months when they naturally conceived quadruplets. Abigail, Mckayla, Grace and Emily were born in May. In the nature-themed photo shoot, pictured, they are shown sleeping as they are nestled inside logs and surrounded by flowers. Check out more photos after the break

Step-by-step: The couple had planned to start a family slowly after their wedding in June last year

The Parents

Sleepy: Sisters Abigail, Mckayla, Grace and Emily Webb, from Alberta, Canada, star in a photo shoot as baby bunnies, pictured, and bears

Unusual: The sisters' parents beat odds of one in 15 million to have identical quadruplets naturally

Quiet: Now aged two months, the babies slept through the whole of the photo shoot

Nature babies: In the pictures, the babies were placed inside a log, pictured, and surrounded by flowers

Recent: The pictures were taken last month in Grande Prairie, Alberta, Canada

Tiny: Abigail, Mckayla, Grace and Emily, pictured in hospital, were born by C-section in May, weighing between three and four pounds each 

One word: Beautiful!