Humblesmith ‘Confesses’ He Stole His Mum’s Gold To Record His First Single


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Speaking in a recent interview with tooxclusive TV, Osinachi crooner Humblesmith revealed that he sold his mother’s jewelry to record his first song. The music star whose real name is Ekene Ijemba said:

“Growing up, my mum had a lot of chains and as someone who liked chains a lot, I’d take her chains to outings especially my performances and all that. And on this particular day, I was broke and needed money to record my first single. Seeing that my mum’s gold were worth some money, I sold some of them.”

“When my mum noticed that her jewelry was missing, I confessed to her and promised to buy her much more than gold when the money comes. And today, I know I have done well by her and so she is proud of me. I know it’s funny when people hear this kind of story but that is what happened.”