Counsellor Warns Ladies Not To Marry Any Man Who Puts Passwords On Their Phones


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A Ghanaian pastor has warned ladies not to marry any man who puts passwords on his phones. He went on to say they can surely do this for other security measures, but you must not be the reason for this action. Read what he said below…

“I am very much aware that passwords or lock are for security purposes but one thing I don’t approve of is when a spouse becomes the reason for that security measure. There is nothing like secrecy or privacy in marriage, let no one deceive you there is, and let no one tell you he or she is doing that to save you from getting hurt.

Marriage is a holy institution, there is nothing like hiding. Marriage is made for life and one of the very things that can destroy it is acts of hiding things. The bible says in Genesis 2:25 (TLB)

“Now although the man and his wife were both unclad, neither of them was embarrassed or ashamed”.

What are you embarrassed or ashamed of your spouse seeing? If you can’t be truthful, honest and transparent with them, then there is no need getting married to them. It doesn’t matter how you feel about them.

Mark 10:8 (NLV) says

“The two will become one. So they are no longer two, but one”.

I therefore suggest to you, if he or she is hiding things from you, it simply means they don’t want to become one with you. Such a marriage won’t last.

 Please share with your friends, someone out there needs this.”

 – Counselor Adofoli