Actors Williams Uchemba & Wale Ojo At The American Film Institute


Williams Uchemba has joined the American Film Institute confirming our reports that the actor has relocated to the USA and have no plans of coming back anytime soon.

Williams Uchemba after he was accused of defrauding white ladies to make the wealth he has now, has since gone on Instagram preaching to his fans to #SeekGodskingdom, saying he has given his life to Christ. In a letter to his upcoming Generation he warned them against comparing success to how much money, houses and cars one has. The Actor wrote:

To My Generation: Please don’t ever compare Success to how much money, houses, or Cars one has. Success is simply DISCOVERING the assignment you were sent on earth to do and FINISHING it before you die. Focus on the vision(assignment) and God will give you all the provisions(funds, cars, houses…etc) you need. God doesn’t sponsor any project he didn’t ask you to do. Please don’t mistake success/impact with how much money one has because great men that changed the world(Mandela, Martin Luther King jr., mother Theresa etc) do not have any record of how much money they had in their accounts even after death. Don’t envy anyone because you feel they have more money than you; at the end of the day you that is focused on your purpose and assignment on this earth might be more successful than those with earthly treasures. #seekfirstGodskingdom