The World Is Scheduled To End Today. See How It’s Going To Happen


Christian numerologist David Meade predicted that the ‘rapture’ when Jesus Christ comes back to save the faithful and bin the rest of us would begin today. But even Meade – who has written 14 books about the end of the world, and repeatedly predicted apocalypses which didn’t happen – has now dialled back on his doomsday prediction. It’s now time to set our watches for him to predict a new date later in the year, as he has done on several occasions before, including after his book Planet X: The 2017 Arrival. But Meade has described reports that the world will end on Monday 23 April as ‘fake news’, according to the Guardian.

Meade says that ‘The Rapture’ – when Jesus returns to save the faithful – will in fact begin between May and December. After that, there’ll be seven years of ‘tribulation’ followed by 1,000 years of peace and prosperity – THEN the world will end. He said, ‘So the world isn’t ending anytime soon – in our lifetimes, anyway.’