‘I Wish This Day Never Existed’ – Lady Heartbroken On Her 24th Birthday


Birthday comes once in a year, very special for most of us as we tend to make the best out of it irrespective, But this lady who just turned 24 is saying that she wished the day never existed. In an emotional post Chayil Obi wrote:

”I wished today would somehow not exist.
As a child, I had dreams.
Go to school, become a medical doctor, be successful, get married to a Prince charming, have beautiful children, fulfill whatever purpose God had for me and touch lives.
Then life happened.
Got into the University at 16 to study a course I hated,
8 years after I’m still an undergraduate.
Pregnant and out of school at 17,
Single mom at 18,
Got into school again at 20 to become a Doctor of Optometry,
Became a pariah and object of scorn,
Guilt filled and shame faced 70% of the time,
Found a passion in fashion design and writing,
Learned to mix fashion design and hectic optometry school cos a girl’s gotta eat,
Big heartbreak,
Physical and emotional abuse,
And so much more… Who would have thought life would be this way for me?
I’ve battled with suicide, depression and a broken spirit.
I even started believing people’s description of me – not good enough, RCF jezebel, unworthy, abusive, bitter, angry, Peace destroyer, table turner and many more.
I probably cry Myself to sleep 300 out of 365 nights a year.
Today I’m 24 and my most precious lessons are
God’s Grace is beyond my imaginations. His plans for me are beyond my greatest dreams. I’m clean in His eyes and overwhelmingly loved by Him. There will be times when I want to give up and believe the report of men, but Grace will never let me! Grace will never give up on me! When I’m too weak and broken to get up, Grace will strengthen me and groom me.
Everyone has their divine timing. Trying to go ahead of my time or slower than it is utterly destructive.
So here I am, grateful for my life regardless of how it’s been.
Broken and wounded beyond words but confident in God’s love, knowing that:
I am worthy,
I am valuable,
I matter to God,
My dreams are still valid and attainable,
I’m His special Princess,
Gradually evolving into a true glorious Queen.
My scars are there to strengthen others.
I AM 24
Happy birthday to Me
Chayil 2.0