How Social Media Is Preventing You From Finding True Love


These days, social media has become a very big part of our lives. It helps us keep in touch with our loved ones and stay updated on what’s going on. But like every good thing, social media has its own downsides.

Let’s take a look at the relationship between social media and finding love. Are the hours we spend on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram doing more harm than good?

How does social media keep us from finding love?

The desperation element

Seeing what other people are doing is not always a good thing especially if you have a habit of comparing yourself to others. For instance, a woman may find herself feeling desperate for a partner after being bombarded with posts about ‘couple goals,’ ‘bellanaija weddings,’ etc. You become obsessed with meeting someone simply because it looks like the in-thing to do. When you approach dating with an air of desperation, you’re more likely to choose wrongly.

How Social Media Is Preventing You From Finding True Love

(Photo: Dreamstime)

Too many options

There’s such a thing as too many choices when it comes to social media and finding love. Having dozens of guys hitting you up in the DM can make you more than a little confused. You start judging quickly and wrongly. You make decisions based on what you see on the surface because you don’t have the time to look into anyone too deeply.

Compromising posts

With social media, things can be easily misinterpreted. You may see something on a guy’s page or he sees something on yours that will be misunderstood. We put too much stock on social media profiles that we forget that they don’t adequately define a person.

Unrealistic expectations

When it comes to social media and finding love, remember that things are not always as they seem. The truth is, not everyone is honest with their profile. So if you see a guy buying his girl a private jet, you may assume that’s what love should look like and expect the same from your man. You judge your relationship based on what others say and do. Comparison never makes for a happy relationship.

Replaces intimacy

Just because you can @ people and DM them all day does not mean you have a close relationship. To really know someone, you have to spend real time with them. But when this is replaced by social media interaction, you will have a lot of problems. So, while dating, focus on quality time outside the DM and have your relationship talks face-to-face, not via text.

For more, check out how social media may be impacting your mental health.

Are there other dangers of social media and finding love? How do you prevent it from ruining your love life? 

Source: Lifestyle.NG