How To Stop Putting Your Boyfriend Above Yourself


Putting your boyfriend above yourself is something a lot of ladies do, sometimes you don’t even notice you’re doing it. And it can become a pattern that breaks your relationship if you’re not aware of it. You get so into being the right girl for him, you forget to see if he’s right for you.

This is how to stop putting your boyfriend above yourself

putting your boyfriend above yourself

(Photo: E Harmony)

Watch your language

The way you describe a guy to your friends, family and to himself is very important. Describing a guy to your friends and painting a picture of him being a god only creates that picture of him in your eyes and blinds you to the reality.

Understand his humanity

He’s a guy, he scratches his balls and farts and poops and makes mistakes like every other human being. He is not an alien or a Greek god. he is as normal as you are and the moment you understand that, you will stop putting him above yourself.

putting your boyfriend above yourself

(Photo: Bella Naija)

Laugh at his humanity

The fact that he makes mistakes means he’s human and a little fun never hurt any human being. So be .ful and make fun of him like you’d make fun of a random friend. This helps him relax more around you instead of thinking he has to be perfect at all times. Win-win for both of you.

See other options

You need to understand that if there was no him, there’d be someone else chasing after you. This means you have a choice. When you start to realize you have a choice, he’d realize it too and avoid misbehaving or feeling too important.

putting your boyfriend above yourself

(Photo: Ask Men)

Don’t take crap from him

When a guy does something that doesn’t sit well with you, call him out on it. Don’t pretend to be fine with a bad attitude because you’re scared of losing him. It’s your right to figure out if you want him in your life too.

So be conscious about practicing these tips if you want to have a healthy relationship and if you feel you’re getting obsessed about a guy, read this

Source: Lifestyle.NG