Reasons why you should date a younger man – Lifestyle News


Who said you must always date a man of your age or one who is older than you?

Can we be adventurous and try out something out of the norm? Since it’s not written anywhere that you must date a person of a certain age as long as they are adults, you should feel free to explore.

Actually, if it has not been working for you with older guys, you better give the younger ones a chance. You may be surprised at how deeply they can love.

Anyway, let’s look at some of the benefits of dating a man who is younger than you:

1. Better sex

This is not even debatable. The spike in testosterone in men is highest during their 20s while women reach theirs at 30s and 40s. So, an older man will never give you better sex than a younger one. If you are both the same age, it means that your man will soon start declining their urge for sex when yours is at its prime.

2. Fun to hang out with


Couple having fun at the beach (Africa Memes)


Younger men are adventurous and fun to be with. You will have great dates and nights out with them while the older guys will prefer to . cards in the house. By 35, the older guys are already complaining about backaches that cannot allow them to go for a hike or a simple nature walk.

3. He will be thrilled to have you

A younger man will always appreciate the fact that you are older and experienced than him. He will feel so privileged to have you and will thus do all he can to have you for life. You will not have to feel like you are being schooled by some old guy. You will be the teacher as well as the mentor for this younger guy. What else would you wish for than a man who adores you that much?

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4. They are open minded


Older guys are open to new ideas (framepool)


Unlike the older champs, younger guys are always open to new ideas. Think you should try a new sex position or a brilliant business idea? He will be in for it.

5. Less drama

You will have less to hear about his clingy ex, his divorce, or some crazy baby mama. Most likely, he is fresh and has just been in a few relationships that were not serious. So, you will be at peace knowing that he is all yours and no third parties.

Source: Lifestyle.NG