When I Came Into This World, I Was Born With Two Hands, Then This Happened – Olivia Malachy


Olivia Malachy, the ‘super woman’ as she calls herself was born with two hands, lived a happy life, had big dreams but in May 2016, all that changed. Read her inspiring story below:

When I came into this world, I was born with my two hands ?, I lived a happy life, had big dreams, did alot with my hands, I was happy.. Not until may 6th 2016.
When I was involved in motor accident, that took many lives, luckily I was still breathing all thanks to God…to cut the long story short….. _

I entered the theater with my both hands, and came out with one, from then my look changed, disappointment came, heart break came, I cried and cried, wished it was only a dream, or a movie, asked God why, how will my life be with one hand,I only wanted my hand to grow back, the pains and sorrows were unbearable,the sleepless nights, I watched my mom cry, then my mom said something to me, she said AKUNNA If you die I will die, from then I stopped crying in her presence I cry only in my heart, sometimes I will call the nurse to tell my mom to go out from the room, because I want to cry out, i Screamed ?
But when I flashback on the scene of the accident and remembered how many people dead, I smile and say GRACE found me, and from then I stopped crying and accepted my new look… #Superwoman#Grace #testimony #happiness #Grateful#beauty#newlook#inspiration#hope#mercy#secondchance