How to know that a girl likes you but is too shy to admit it – Lifestyle News


Some girls are not afraid to let a guy know when they like them.

They feel it, they say it. They want the guy, they go for them. More power to them.

Unfortunately, not all women are like this as there are those shy girls that can barely make out a sentence when their crush is around them.

Here are five tell-tale signs that a shy girl likes you.

1.Stares at you but when you look at them they look back really quickly

Kill me now GIF – when a shy girl likes you, you might find them staring at you then glancing away fast (Gurl)


Anyone that likes you will want to steal a glance of you. They can’t actually bring themselves to have a face to face with you so them glancing at you is the only face time they can get. When you catch them staring at you, they tend to look away really quick.

2.She speaks to other guys aside from you

If a girl, for some reason talks to other guys but rarely utters a word to you, chances are they have a crush on you.

This obviously applies to a group setting where the two of you are constantly together, for instance, you work at the same place or you have the same circle of friends.

3.She’s fidgety whenever she is around you

She can’t seem to keep calm whenever she is around you. She’s reaching into her purse all the time or .ing with her hair a lot or even excusing herself to go to the bathroom a lot. That’s because she’s probably nervous and doesn’t know how to act around you; so she tries to avoid any situation where she might end up making a fool of herself.

Cardi B GIFs – a shy girl tends to be fidgety when they are around their crush (Pop Buzz)


4.Her friends are always giggly whenever you come around

Yes, it may seem childish but it happens. Her friends know how she feels about you and never miss an opportunity to try and throw some hints your way.

5.She never initiates conversations with you and always wait for you to do so

And when you do initiate that conversation, it can go on for long because she finally has an opportunity to speak to you. That is her one moment to get as much out as she can because she may never get that opportunity again.

Source: Lifestyle.NG