Kanye West Is Planning On Running For President In 2024


Kanye West has stated his legitimate interest in running for US Presidency in 2024. The rapper hit headlines in 2015 after announcing his plans to run for the White House during the VMAs, and it seems now he has pushed back his original running date from 2020 to 2024. Asked in a radio interview with DJ Pharris of Power 92 Chicago about running for president, Kanye said: ‘If I decide to do it, it will be done, I’m not going to try.’ He added: ‘Yes, 100% it could happen… 2024.’ The outspoken 41-year-old has previously praised Donald Trump but he also said he ‘had love’ for left-wing senator Bernie Sanders. In another interview this week, ‘ye spoke in depth about his feelings on Donald Trump and his relationship with the black community.

Kanye said: ‘He cares about the way black people feel about him and he would like for black people for him like they did when he was cool in the rap songs and all this. He continued: ‘He knows that he can’t be the greatest president without the acceptance of the black community.’