When people talk about abuse, it’s easy to only picture it from the angle of the man being the perpetrator. This means woman automatically feel vindicated, believing they couldn’t possibly do anything cruel to their partners.
However, there are several instances where women are abusive. You will be surprised to find that even if you’re not hitting your partner, these signs you’re abusive describe you.
1. You’re quick to hurl insults
It’s okay to have arguments as a couple but it’s not okay to insult your partner by using cruel words. When you verbally abuse him in the heat of your anger, you’re creating a toxic environment.
2. You use silent treatment to get your point across
Ignoring someone is an unkind way to get their attention. It is an abusive and manipulative move. You know it will hurt him and you derive a certain pleasure in doing so. That isn’t love. If he hurt you, you should let him know. And if you need some space to figure things out, that’s okay too. Just make sure to tell him so he keeps his distance.
(Photo: VH1)
3. You make him feel like he’s not good enough
If you constantly remind your partner of his failings, it’s one of the signs you’re abusive. It’s better to just leave if he’s not the man you want. But telling him every day that he isn’t worthy or comparing him to others who you deem ‘better’ is abusive and terribly unkind.
4. You throw things
You don’t need to punch him to be considered physically abusive. If you throw things at him in the fit of anger, that’s abusive as well. Learn to control your anger if you have a tendency to do this. Resorting to violence never solves anything.
(Photo: Bravo)
5. He walks on eggshells around you
Another one of the signs you’re abusive is if you make your man feel afraid of you. This may sound odd but it does happen. If you’ve heard your man express that sometimes he does (or doesn’t do) something because he does not know how you’ll react, then check yourself. When you’re in love, you shouldn’t get nervous or worried that your partner will fly off the handle over the tiniest things.
To find out if you’re the one being abused, watch out for these danger signs.
Source: Lifestyle.NG