6 Signs That Tell You Your Man Does Not Respect YouZUMI


your man doesn't respect you

You can’t have a successful relationship when there’s no mutual respect. However, some women tend to overlook this important factor, leading to major issues down the line.

When your man does not respect you, you’ll find yourself dealing with feelings of insecurity, self-doubt and general unhappiness in the relationship. So, watch out for these signs so you know when it’s time to move on.

1. He belittles your achievements

One big sign of a disrespectful partner is when they make it seem like nothing you do is a big deal. You get a promotion at work, for instance, and he shrugs it off. Even worse, he says you don’t deserve it or they must be handing them out to just anyone.

your man does not respect you

(Photo: MadameNoire)

2. He cheats

This is one of the biggest signs that your man does not respect you. You can’t place value on something and then constantly do all you can do destroy it.

3. He doesn’t listen to you

You find yourself saying the same things over and over again because he just couldn’t care less. He does not listen when you tell him those habits you find annoying or how his actions hurt you.

your man does not respect you

(Photo: AV Club)

4. He lies to you

Being open and honest with each other is very important if you want to create a lasting relationship. If he frequently lies to you, it’s a big sign your man does not respect you.

5. He doesn’t respect your time

When you’re in a relationship where there’s mutual respect, you prioritize each other. If he has a habit of making plans with you and not keeping them, it’s a sign of disrespect.

your man does not respect you

(Photo: Essence)

6. They hurt you on purpose

Sure, there will be times you hurt each other, mostly unintentionally. But when you have a partner that goes out of his way to hurt you as payback or as a form of control, this means he does not value you or your feelings.

When your man does not respect you, one of the first things you can do is clearly express your needs. However, you should recognize that it’s time to move on if he does not seem interested in valuing you or your relationship.

To ensure you get what you need from your relationship, learn all about how to compromise without losing yourself.

Source: Lifestyle.NG