Dangote Flour world Puffpuff festival is going on now at Muri Okunola Park


Finally we can have more Puffpuff than we can finish; caramel, chocolate, honey-glazed, vanilla-infused, suya-dusted and every other mind-blowing Puffpuff flavour you can think of, Music and dance, comedy, lots of giveaways, competitions and even a chance to be a part of building the biggest Puff Puff pyramid…all for N1,200.

There’s a melody in our tummies right now. Head out to Muri Okunola Park TODAY and make history whilst feasting on the countless mesmerizing flavors of Puffpuff mentioned above.

Be a good friend and bring a friend along.

Oh, and those kids you normally send on errands, ehen, they won’t forgive you if you make them miss #WorldPuffPuffDayOct27 because you didn’t visit www.afritickets.com or the link in @DangoteKitchen’s bio.

It is not too late to get your tickets, but you can be sure there’s only a few left…if any.

World Puffpuff Festival is an initiative of Dangote Flour.

