How To Have Male Friends Without Threatening Your Relationship


You don’t need to ditch your platonic friends of the opposite sex because you are in a relationship. But this doesn’t mean you ignore the fact that keeping them can potentially cause problems.

Having male friends is not a bad thing. However, handling the situation requires delicate hands and the same respect that you would want your own partner to accord to you if he maintains female friendships.

Bring them up in conversations

Don’t only gist your partners about your female friends. Some women make the mistake of assuming the best thing in this situation is to not talk about the guy friends. But considering the fact that your partner already knows they exist, keeping your friendship with them hush-hush is a bad idea. Talk about them to your man. Bring up something they said or did, etc.

Hang out together

If you want your man to better grasp the platonic nature of your friendship, encourage instances where you all hang out together. Sometimes, seeing how you and your male friends interact may put everyone’s mind at ease and he will better understand the role their friendship . in your life.

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(Photo: Bossip)

Don’t dismiss his fears

If your man has raised concerns about your male friends, don’t shrug off his fears because you’re convinced of your own innocence. Answer whatever questions he may have on the topic and even provide a history of the friendship if you wish. As long as he ultimately trusts you, he should be able to take your words for it.

Avoid dishonesty

So you want to attend your male friend’s birthday and you think it will be a good idea to lie about it and say you’re visiting your girlfriends instead. You may think you’re protecting your partner’s feelings. However, if he does find out about the lie, you risk ruining your relationship. Because it won’t matter that it was innocent, being caught in a lie means he will have problems believing anything you say.

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(Photo: MadameNoire)

Just be honest about your friendships. If he continues to have a problem with it, then you’ll have rethink being in a relationship with someone who does not trust you.

Is the friendship as innocent as you think? Here are some obvious signs you’re more than just friends.

Source: Lifestyle.NG